Planetary Health & Health Equity
Special thanks to Diane de Camps Meschino, Ming-Ka Chan, Jerry Maniate & Lyn K. Sonnenberg.
Content generated for a workshop presented at TISLEP 2024 session on September 18, 2024 (Ottawa, Canada).


Human health is inextricably linked to the health of our planet. As such the importance of ensuring stewardship of natural resources and flourishing natural systems in order to positively impact human health is becoming clearly evident.
From a health perspective, the diminishing health of the planet is negatively impacting:
Increasing extreme weather events
Poorer air quality
Increased food- and water-borne infections
Increased vector-borne diseases
Increased heat-related illnesses & death
Increased undernutrition
Increased occupational health related injuries
Increased mental health & civil conflict / violence

Articles & Books

= Article
= Book

= EqHS Lab members

= Tool

= Website