One of our tasks at the EqHS Lab is to prioritize the varied viewpoints and life experiences of members of our EqHS community in this forum and draw attention to important developments in equity, diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility (EDIA) in the healthcare system. For this issue of EDIA voices, on this blog, representatives from the EqHS Lab share their thoughts on what it means to them personally to work in the healthcare industries as leaders and influencers in the EDIA space.

Q: Why “EqHS Clarion?”
We chose the name "EqHS Clarion" for this blog as it symbolizes the importance and clarity of the message that these individuals are sharing. We are choosing to establish the EqHS Clarion in order to represent the clarity and value of the stories of members of our EqHS community. These individuals are sharing their stories in order to bring clarity, value, and meaning to the exchange of their individual stories. To bring these stories to light, one of the messages we would like to convey is that "each story matters." The only reason for having these verbal and literal features is to share their stories in order to bring clarity to the students who have queries.
Q: What type of content can the audience expect?
The audience can expect stories from EDIA leaders that work in the healthcare industries as leaders and influencers in the EDIA space to bring clarity, value, and meaning, as well as draw attention to important developments in EDIA in the healthcare system to educate the public. EDIA leaders' voices as leaders and influencers are essential for health care transformation and growth, especially for inspiring and encouraging upcoming youths. The EDIA leaders will be working to address the problem by spreading awareness and providing education to everyone. Above all, the EqHS Clarion is prepared to engage a variety of audiences by answering any questions that the audience may have.
Q: What should I do after I read this blog?
We would ask the audience to read the blog, and then to take time to reflect on the concepts and ideas that have been shared.
Think about what you've learned.
Think about your own context, where you live, you learn, and perhaps where you work.
Think about how what you read in the blog could be applied into your context.
Think about what you will personally do in your context to further the conversation about EDIA issues and challenges.
Think about who you will share this blog with to stimulate the conversation in other circles.
About the Creators
The EqHS Clarion was created by Dr. Jerry Maniate and Rolly Etti for the sole purpose of creating an accessible resource that shares the stories, experiences and insights of leaders and influencers working on addressing racism, oppression, and injustice in our health system.
Dr. Jerry Maniate is a physician at The Ottawa Hospital, and an associate professor, educator, and a researcher at the University of Ottawa and Bruyere Research Institute. He is the Founding Director of the Equity in Health Systems (EqHS) Lab.
Morolayo Etti, also known as Rolly Etti, is currently a grade 12 high school student at Gloucester High School in Ottawa, Canada who is very interested in the healthcare industry combined with engineering as it is her dream to become a biomedical engineer. Rolly is currently enrolled in her school´s co-op program, which has given her the opportunity to work hand in hand with Dr. Maniate in creating this blog.
With a strong passion and vision, this project has been turned into a reality to help enlighten the masses on an innovative topic that not enough people are able to access.