Collaborative Projects
Transforming Health Systems through a Scholarly Approach
Community-partnered scholarly approaches to promote equity, accessibility, and belonging in our health system.
Education & Learning
Outcomes & Care
Social Determinants of Health
Equity & Accessibility
Social Justice
Engagements & Partnerships
Leadership & Influence
Health & Education Policy
Exploring Competency Committee Membership Diversity and Procedures in Residency-Training Programs in Canada

Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada Medical Education Research Grant funded project
$25,790 approved
Susan Humphrey-Murto, Cristan Rangel, Doug Archibald, Ming-Ka Chan, Jerry Maniate, Sarah Funnel, Keith Wong, Wassim Karkache, Karen Hauer.
Advancing the Principles of Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility (EDIA) in Team-based Comprehensive Primary Care: A Sub-project of Team Primary Care: Training for Transformation

College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) through the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM). $3,118,257
PI: Jerry Maniate. Co-Investigators (listed alphabetically): Cassandra Barber, Aimée-Angélique Bouka, Tamara Carver, Constance LeBlanc, Heather MacNeill, Marilee Nowgesic, Kannin Osei-Tutu, Arun Radhakrishnan, Cristian Rangel, Bukola Salami.
As part of: Team Primary Care: Training for Transformation. Ivy Oandasan, Ivy Bourgeault, Claudia Zuccato-Ria, Nancy Fowler, Steve Slade, T McGuire-Garber, Francine Lemire. A Contribution agreement from the Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program, Service Canada with the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine $45,000,000
Wellness & Experience
Using a Diversity & Inclusion Lens and the Canadian Armed Forces Post Deployment Road to Mental Readiness to Support Healthcare Providers Through the COVID Pandemic

Funded by the Mach-Gaensslen Foundation of Canada
$93,256 approved
Kerri Ritchie, Jerry Maniate, et al
Education & Learning
Oncology Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) Curriculum Development

William Phillips, Sandy Sehdev, Sumiya Lodhi, Craig Campbell, Jerry Maniate
Education & Learning
Patients as Partners Program

Claudia Hampel, Lynn Ashdown, Jerry Maniate, et al
Care & Experience
Expressing our values: Using language to welcome perinatal patients

​Kerrie Ritchie, Jerry Maniate, et al
Education & Research
Creation of a Standardized Protocol Tool and eLearning Programme for Research Using Routinely-Collected Health Data: A RECORD Initiative to Improve Methods

Fall 2021 CIHR funded project
$677,025 approved
Eric Benchimol, Sinead Langan, M.Ellen Kuenzig, David McAllister, Jerry Maniate, et al
The promotions process as an act of power: An institutional ethnography of faculties of medicine in Canada

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Development Grant, Insight and Connection.
$199,870 approved
PI: Sophie Soklaridis. Co-Applicants: Constance LeBlanc, Anna Macleod, Beth-Ann Cummings, Teresa Chan, Boluwaji Ogunyemi, Mala Joneja, Erin Cameron, Maria Hubinette, Brett Schrewe, Lyn Sonnenberg, David Keegan, Ming-Ka Chan, Marilyn Baetz, Ayelet Kuper, Cynthia R. Whitehead, Kinnon MacKinnon. Collaborators: Babar Haroon, Rachel Kronick, Saleem Razack, Catherine Cervin, Diane M. Lougheed, Jane Philpott, Christina St-Onge, Julien Poitras, Melanie Lewis, Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, Aliya Kassam, Valerie H. Taylor, Sara Israels, Jerry Maniate, Sharon Whiting, Pier Bryden, Gillian Hawker, Patricia Houston, Morag C. Paton, Pooitsing Andrea Lum, Suzan Schneeweiss
Care & Experience
Aajiiqatigiinniq: A field-test of shared decision making education for healthcare providers who work with Inuit.

Spring 2021 CIHR funded project
$665,561 approved
Janet Jull, Jerry Maniate, Danielle Dorschner, Tungasuvvingat Inuit (TI), et al
Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression
Building a Culture of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Belonging at The Ottawa Hospital

The Ottawa Hospital funded project
$60,000 approved
Ellen Alie, Cristian Rangel, Charles Leveque, Rozen Alex, Jerry Maniate
Education Policy
Improving Patient Care and Learner Experience Through "Good Practices" for On-Call Activities

Matthew Lipinski, Shahbaz Syed, Jerry Maniate
Education & Learning
Patient Storytelling Program

Claudia Hampel, Lynn Ashdown, Jerry Maniate, et al
Care & Experience
Adaptive Mentoring to Build Primary Care Capacity: Caring for Canadians Living with Mental Illness, Chronic Pain and Addictions

Funded by Health Canada: Substance Use and Addictions Program
$2,800,000 ​
Arun Radhakrishnan, et al