EqHS Findings
Explore a sample of the published works of those engaged with the Equity in Health Systems (EqHS) Lab below.

Patterns of Ostracism Experienced by Canadian Medical Trainees of Asian Sub-ethnicities
December 25, 2023 (online) - Teaching and Learning in Medicine
Sun Young Kim, Yebin Shin, Amrit Kirpalani

Ableism is a Health Hazard
September 28, 2023 (online) - CPSO Dialogue
Stuart Foxman
Featuring: Lynn Ashdown, Caroline Bowman

Does it work? Implicit bias training for postgraduate program directors?
July 31, 2023 (online) - Canadian Medical Education Journal
Jackie Gruber, Amanda Condon

Unpacking the Social Constructs of Discrimination, Othering, and Belonging in Medical Schools
July 9, 2023 (online) - Teaching and Learning in Medicine
Omolayo Anjorin, Jamiu O. Busari

Believing in science: Linking religious beliefs and identity with vaccination intentions and trust in science during the COVID-19 pandemic
June 5, 2023 (online) - Public Understanding of Science
Emily Tippins, Renate Ysseldyk, Claire Peneycad, Hymie Anisman

Discrimination 911: A Novel Response Framework to Teach Bystanders to Become Upstanders When Facing Microaggressions
February 14, 2023 - Academic Medicine
Jared Rubenstein, Sahar Rahiem, Shimei S. Nelapati, Tatiana Arevalo Soriano, Andria Tatem

Anti-Racism in CanMEDS 2025
February 6 2023 - Canadian Medical Education Journal
Kannin Osei-Tutu, Nathalie Duchesne, Cheryl Barnabe, Lisa Richardson, Saleem Razack, Brent Thoma, Jerry M. Maniate

Equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice in CanMEDS 2025
February 6 2023 - Canadian Medical Education Journal
Cheryl Barnabe, Kannin Osei-Tutu, Jerry M. Maniate, Saleem Razack, Brian M. Wong, Brent Thoma, Nathalie Duchesne

The 4C's of influence framework: fostering leadership development through character, competence, connection and culture
January 27, 2023 - Leadership in Health Services
Victor Do, Jerry M. Maniate, Nabil Sultan, Lyn K. Sonnenberg

Fostering a Health-Promoting Learning Environment in Medical Education: Adapting the Okanagan Charter for Administrators and Medical Educators.
January 24, 2023 - Academic Medicine
Victor Do, Melanie Lewis, Cheryl Goldstein, Lyn K. Sonnenberg

Microaggressions in anesthesiology and critical care: individual and institutional approaches to change
June 2, 2023 - Can J Anesth
Saroo Sharda, Kat Butler, Muhn Al Mandhari, Sangeeta Mehta

Training physicians and residents for the use of Electronic Health Records – a Comparative Case Study between two hospitals
October 1, 2022 - Medical Education
Susan Humphrey-Murto, Donovan Makus, Sarah Moore, Karen Watanabe Duffy, Jerry Maniate, Katherine Scowcroft, Melanie Buba, J. Cristian Rangel

Development of an institutional “good practices” policy for resident and attending-physician on-call responsibilities
August 2022 - Canadian Journal of Physician Leaders
Matthew Lipinski, Shahbaz Syed, Jerry M. Maniate

Creating space for leadership education in undergraduate medical education in Canada
June 13, 2022 - Canadian Medical Education Journal

Facilitating and supporting the engagement of patients, families and caregivers in research: the “Ottawa model” for patient engagement in research
June 7, 2022 - BMC Research Involvement and Engagement
Shelley Vanderhout, Stuart Nicholls, Zarah Monfaredi, Claudia Hampel, Lynn Ashdown, Maxime Bilodeau, Susan Rich, Beverley Shea & Dean Fergusson

Postoperative outcomes for Nunavut Inuit at a Canadian quaternary care centre: a retrospective cohort study
May 3, 2022 - CMAJ Open
Jason A. McVicar, Jenny Hoang-Nguyen, Justine O'Shea, Catlin Champion, Chelsey Sheffield, Jean Allen, Donna May Kimmaliardjuk, Alana Poon, M.Dylan Bould, Jason W. Nickerson, Nadine R. Caron, Daniel I. McIsaac

When healthcare leadership and philanthropy lead to an improved patient experience: The Paul Lepsoe Music Initiative
April 27, 2022 - Patient Experience Journal
Sara Olivier, Corianne Bell, Cheryl Jones, Jerry M. Maniate

A systematic review of evidence-based practices for clinical education and health care delivery in the clinical teaching unit
February 14, 2022 - Can Medical Assoc J
Brandon Tang, Ryan Sandarage, Jocelyn Chair, Kristin Anne Dawson, Katrina Rose Dutkiewicz, Stephan Saad, Vanessa Kitchin, Rose Hatala, Iain McCormick, Barry Kassan

Improving Care and Safety For All:
Integrating Trauma-Informed, Culturally Safe Perinatal Practices for Both Patient and Provider Wellbeing
2022 (Issue 2) - Psynopsis
Robyn Jackowich, Kerri Ritchie, Paula Archambault, Jerry M. Maniate

A comprehensive review of prioritized interventions to improve the health and well-being of persons with lived experience of homelessness
June 2021 - The Campbell Collaboration
Aliza Moledina, Olivia Magwood, Eric Agbata, Jui-Hsia Hung, Ammar Saad, Kednapa Thavorn, Kevin Pottie

Postoperative outcomes for Indigenous Peoples in Canada: a systematic review
May 17, 2021 - CMAJ
Jason A. McVicar, Alana Poon, Nadine R. Caron, Dylan Bould, Jason W. Nickerson, Nora Ahmad, Donna May Kimmaliardjuk, Chelsey Sheffield, Caitlin Champion, Daniel I. McIsaac

Six ways to get a grip by calling-out racism and enacting allyship in medical education
May 15 2021 - Canadian Medical Education Journal
Lyn K. Sonnenberg, Victor Do, Constance LeBlanc, Jamiu O. Busari

Experiences of Inuit in Canada who travel from remote settings for cancer care and impacts on decision making
April 13, 2021 - BMC Health Services Research
Janet Jull, Amanda J. Sheppard, Alex Hizaka, Inuit Medical Interpreter Team, Gwen Barton, Paula Doering, Danielle Dorschner, Nancy Edgecombe, Megan Ellis, Ian D. Graham, Mara Habash, Gabrielle Jodouin, Lynn Kilabuk, Theresa Koonoo, Carolyn Roberts and Mamisarvik Healing Centre Team

To lead or to influence?
2021 - Canadian Medical Education Journal
Victor Do, Jerry M. Maniate, Lyn K. Sonnenberg

Socioeconomic Status, Mortality, and Access to Cardiac Services After Myocardial Infarction in Canada: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
February 2021 - Canadian Journal of Cardiology Open
Aliza Moledina, Karen L. Tang

A framework for inclusive crisis leadership in health care
September 2020 - Canadian Journal of Physician Leadership
Javeed Sukhera, Lisa Richardson, Jerry M. Maniate, Ming-Ka Chan

Supporting clinician educators to achieve “work-work balance”
October 18, 2016 - Canadian Medical Education Journal
Jerry M. Maniate, Deepak Dath, Lara Cooke, Karen Leslie, Linda Snell, Jamiu O. Busari